
表达“不用谢/不客气”别再用“no thanks”,“You are welcome.”“My pleasure.”“Don't mention it.”都可以表达“不用谢”的意思,随便你挑哪个用都可以! 顺便一提,回应别人的“why...

不要轻言放弃,因为从来没有一种坚持会被辜负 “托马六、唵以、及夫、尤、唵五史为”,这看似乱码的文字,实为英文“tomorrow I give you answer”的汉语音译,看到近日曝光的清朝英语教材,网友调侃“终于知道我念英语的方法跟谁学的了”。时至今日,英语学习的重要性已不...

Zuo是中文漢字,意思就是“找死(故意的)”。 A:有人烤了狀似iPhone的餅干,開車時叼在嘴上,想要捉弄交警。 B:那他捉弄成功了嗎? A:警察很生氣,后果很嚴重,把他的名字拿到系統裡一搜,這家伙還有沒支付的超速罰單吶! B:no zuo no die. 網絡用語無國界,你被擊中了木有? 以...

who are travelers,the stars are guides.For others they are no more than little lights in the sky.For others,who are scholars,they are problems.For my businessman they were wealth.But all these stars are silent.You-you alone-will have the stars as n...

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